Editor's Note, Volume 14 Issue 4

D’Arcy Little, MD, CCFP, FCFP, FRCPC Medical Director, JCCC and HealthPlexus.NET
We are pleased to present the next edition of the Journal of Current Clinical Care, which, as usual, features a collection of articles on important clinical topics across various specialities. Our aim is to provide you with practical insights and updates that can enhance your clinical practice.
In this edition, we have articles that cover Back Health, Dermatology, Ethics, and Medical Narratives.
The Back Health CME Resource article, written by Caitlyn Dunphy, et al. focuses on Scoliosis Screening: A Review of Current Evidence, Worldwide Practices, and Recommendations for Implementation Across Canada. There is a lack of consensus about the merits of scoliosis screening and whether it is a beneficial strategy for both patients and the healthcare system. With long wait times across Canada for surgical correction of scoliosis, interest has grown in maximizing non-operative care. This article proposes an optimal screening strategy.
In the Dermatology article, Dr. Joseph Lam and Ou Jia (Emilie) Wang present Pityriasis Alba. Pityriasis Alba is a common benign skin condition that primarily affects children and adolescents, characterized by hypopigmented patches and scaly plaques on the face and other areas of the body. Diagnosis is typically based on history and clinical presentation. Management involves the use of emollients and low-potency topical steroids to improve skin hydration, reduce inflammation, and alleviate symptoms such as pruritus.
In the Ethics article, MAID for Mental Illness: Why Yes rather than No, Dr. Michael Gordon provides insights into the current controversy around whether medical assistance in dying, legal in Canada since 2016, should also include as a sole reason, mental illness.
Dr. Michael Gordon offers a Medical Narrative on Grey’s Anatomy: a Window on Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology and Relationships.
We also want to highlight four podcasts in this edition, which we hope you find interesting and informative. Dr. Marina Malak presents her ‘Insights into Mastering Hypertension’ series with her 3P: Pills, Pearls, and Patients podcast, Dr. Michael Gordon’s Medical Narratives podcast offers insights on ‘Beyond Labels: Unveiling the Essence of Palliative Care’. Dr. D’Arcy Little’s Inside Radiology: A Primary Care Perspective offers an episode on Women’s Health Imaging, and Dr. Alykhan Abdulla’s Med Talks: Beyond the White Coat presents an Interview with Dr. David Messika.
We hope you find this edition informative and valuable in your clinical practice. As always, we welcome your feedback and suggestions.