Technology in Medicine Most Recent

Dementia can be terrifying and devastating to both caregivers as well as the loved ones affected by this disease.

In Part 3 of the Using EMR series, you are ready for the cutting edge next generation evolution of EMR technology.

As of 2014, over 75% of primary care physicians in Ontario have adopted, or are in the process of adopting an EMR.

Although many doctors have embraced and modernized their practices with a the advent of an EMR (Electronic Medical Record) system, there still a remaining majority who are hesitant to convert to a computerized recording keeping system fearing change and hassle.

Santa Cabrini Hospital is composed of 369 acute care beds, with a separate pavilion providing services for 100 long term care patients.

Memory problems can be devastating as they limit independent functioning and disrupt social, family, and...

I am currently preparing to present two talks at the Ontario College of Family Physicians Annual Scientific Assembly in Toronto, on November 25th.
The Bess and Moe Greenberg Family Hillel Lodge is a 100-bed facility providing long-term care services and a traditional Jewish program to the community of Ottawa and its environs.
Even within the Canadian health care system, one which strives to be comprehensive, universal, and accessible, disparities exist for Canadians who are unable to access timely clinical and educational support due to distance.