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I have for many years enjoyed my family name, Gordon, and all the connections I can make with it.

Focal hyperhidrosis is a disorder of idiopathic excessive sweating that typically affects the axillae, soles, palms, and face. This common problem...
First, I wish to congratulate you and your team for a superb magazine. I much enjoy the reading and find the articles of high quality.
I must congratulate Glaser and Rolita on covering an important and challenging area of medication practice in the March 2009 issue of Geriatrics & Aging.

It is well known that older adults consume many more prescription drugs than would be expected from their proportion of the population.
Could the authors of the February 2007 article “Peptic Ulcer Disease in Older Adults” please comment in a bit more detail on the evidence supporting the statement that “it would be prudent not only to switch to a COX-2 inhibitor but also to add a PPI”
A 73-year-old woman was seen in hospital troubled with visual hallucinations for over a year. They had increased in both frequency and intensity in the past few months, necessitating hospitalization.
I am always excited when a new edition of Geriatrics & Aging is coming to press, but this month I am particularly enthusiastic.
This month’s issue of Geriatrics & Aging focusses on Gender and Health. Because there are more women than men among the aging population, geriatricians have often considered themselves by virtue of practical experience to be up-to-date on gender-based issues.